

The central argument of the paper testifies the sharp contrast between European settlers in the Americas and overseas Chinese in their state building mentality. Heavily influenced by European Enlightenment spirit characterised by freedom, equality and human rights, European settlers fought for independence to create their own states free from their European metropolises. Conversely, overseas Chinese having inherited a strong traditional inclination towards the Confucian unification thought had no sense of independent statehood. Setting up their own sovereign state was seen as a rebellious act liable to severe punishment by the imperial court. After World War Two, having been exposed to rights for independence of Western origin, overseas Chinese began to realise their citizenship rights. With historical conjunctural circumstances given, Singapore with Chinese majority achieved independence through a peaceful transfer of power. The paper provides an in-depth analysis as to why such a contrasted phenomenon of settlers occurred in history between two worlds of European origin on the one hand and that of imperial China on the other.
