Home > JOURNAL > Vol. 9 (2020) > Number 2
English is a second language in Malaysia. Graduates are required to acquire a sufficient level of proficiency in the language to remain competitive in the workplace in Malaysia. Studies in second language learning show that teachers’ attitudes and theories affect their teaching style and behaviour which have a direct influence on student learning. It is important that teacher attitude in language teaching be properly evaluated to assess its impact on learning.
This study will investigate the attitudes of English language teachers in selected Chinese secondary schools. Data from observations and interviews revealed that their reactions and actions in teaching, students’ responses, students’ English proficiency level, the size of the class and textbook(s), materials and aids used; and to identify the problems and challenges faced by these teachers, and their correlation with the three variables of teaching contact hours, student-student interactions, and classroom environment. The findings indicate that the lowest positive attitude towards English teaching falls on the 30-39 age group, irrespective of gender. TESL majors show higher positive attitudes towards English teaching than non-TESL specialist teachers. Teachers’ pedagogical approach mostly falls short of student-centred learning or empowerment. Furthermore, instructions in English are sometimes conducted in Chinese. It is realized that theories are at times not to real life English lessons (syllabus-based, exam-oriented). Classroom environment and the contents and design of textbooks also affect teaching attitudes. Apart from helping to shape teaching practices and recommend learning models, the findings also provide insights on how the learning of English in ICSS. This is an issue that concerns the language English competence for global competitiveness.
Recommended Citation
Khei, Yok-Man
"Teacher Attitudes in the Teaching of English as a Second Language in the Independent Chinese Secondary Schools of Malaysia,"
Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies: Vol. 9:
2, Article 1.
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